Planned Transportation Spending

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Montana’s 2010-2014 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program uses broad categories to estimate the cost for all non-transit projects.* Assigning approximate amounts to each estimate category** reveals that road maintenance/minor widening projects account for the largest chunk of planned spending (53 percent). Safety projects follow at 12 percent of the STIP. Projects classified as “other” account for 11 percent and bridge maintenance/replacement makes up 9 percent of the STIP. Transit projects comprise 7 percent, and bicycle/pedestrian projects 4 percent. Road or bridge projects with bicycle/pedestrian components (such as adding sidewalks when reconstructing a roadway) make up 3 percent of the planned spending. At an estimated $14.5 million,** new road capacity projects make up 1 percent of the planned spending. No bridge capacity expansion projects were identified.

Proposed Spending, FY 2010-2014

Project Type Cost (Millions)
Total $1,297.30
Bridge Maintenance/Replacement $116.00
Road Maintenance/Minor Widening $682.50
Road/Bridge Project with Bike/Ped Components $39.00
New Road Capacity $14.50
Transit** $89.30
Bicycle/Pedestrian $52.50
Safety $163.00
Other $140.50

* These broad estimate categories for all non-transit project costs are: <$1million, $1-5 million, and >$5million.
** In order to complete the analysis, TSTC assigned costs to the state’s estimations as follows: projects listed as <$1 million were assigned $500,000; projects listed as $1-5 million were assigned $2.5 million; and projects listed as >$5million were assigned $5 million. Transit project costs were not estimated in the STIP. For transit projects, TSTC used the cost provided in the STIP.

Percentage of STIP by project type

Created with Raphaël 2.1.09%53%3%1%7%4%12%11%
  • bmr
    Bridge Maintenance/Replacement
  • rmmw
    Road Maintenance/Minor Widening
  • rbbp
    Road/Bridge Project with Bike/Ped Components
  • nrc
    New Road Capacity
  • tran
  • bp
  • sfty
  • othr
All percentages rounded